What does it mean if I dream about myself dying?ĭon't worry: This doesn't mean you're going to die! To get more info, look at the way you die in your dream.

Now let's get specific: If you dream about dying, what exactly does it mean?

There are a few types of dreams you might have: Prophetic dreams, which predict the future dreams about anxieties, which are a signal to work on managing your worries pointless dreams, which just seem random and dreams from your spirit guides, which may be instruction-heavy or have a moral lesson. But if you wake up and think, "Hey, that was silly," then no need to try to interpret your dream-sometimes they really are just pointless! You might consider keeping a dream journal and spending each morning reflecting on the meaning of your dreams. If you have a dream that seems significant to you, it’s important to sit with your intuitive feelings and thoughts after you wake up. Dreams are complex and symbolic, and so it is important to identify the type of dreams you have before you get into the meaning.